You might think that giving free cards is a practice best avoided – but there are certain exceptional circumstances In hold’em, aggression is usually rew...
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The Gap Concept was coined by David Sklansky over five years ago, but it still has much relevance You need a better hand to call a raise than to make a raise. ...
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As you approach the bubble of a sit&go, you may be tempted to creep into the money We have looked at the optimum strategy for the opening stages of a sit&...
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Having a big stack in a tournament is one of poker’s great pleasures Ahhh, to be a big stack – the daddy of the table. The blinds are rising? Good, because I’m...
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Turbo sit-and-gos aren’t just crapshoots, if you play them well you can find consistent profit Overcommitting yourself by putting too much in is a horre...
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Get the knowledge – beat the field The lesson is, greed is liable to get your fingers burnt How many ‘What happened next?’ type situat...
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As you enter the final stages of a full-handed sit&go, you should override the temptation to simply hit the money have discussed what I called the m...
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There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to bet sizing in deep-stack online tournaments With so many deep-stack tournaments now available online, it’s...
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Top British poker pro Marc Goodwin gets to the bottom of some of the game’s trickiest concepts What’s the single most important thing to do when you&rsqu...
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Getting down to three-handed play is an achievement, but to go further you must adopt a unique strategy In most poker tournaments the payout structures are ver...
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