Winning a seat in the WSOP main event is all about adapting your game to the unique demands of satellite structure There are a number of ways to qualify for th...
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Bubble play can be thrilling, but tightening up and folding your way to a payout is often the best strategy Trying to protect your tournament life at the expen...
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Value betting is often the difference between being a winner and a loser Think through the situation rather than just checking behind reflexively and mi...
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How you can use the stealthy qualities of a open-ended straight draw to your advantage You can therefore play your hand as if it is a flush draw, lookin...
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Chris Moorman plays to win, trusting his instincts and pushing his aggressive game to the max 1 EARLY DOORS In the early stages of the tournament identify the ...
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Flopping a big hand on a ‘wet’ flop can seem like a tough spot, but the solution is simple There are 26 cards in the deck that will make our decisions v...
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Willie Tann consoles a reader who had to lay down pocket Kings in a cash game KING FOR A DAY I was playing in an online no-limit six-handed $3/$6 cash ...
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There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to bet sizing in deep-stack online tournaments With so many deep-stack tournaments now available online, it’s...
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Top British poker pro Marc Goodwin gets to the bottom of some of the game’s trickiest concepts What’s the single most important thing to do when you&rsqu...
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Getting down to three-handed play is an achievement, but to go further you must adopt a unique strategy In most poker tournaments the payout structures are ver...
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