Beating heads-up limit hold’em online is all about getting in your opponent’s head and adjusting to his game plan During my time as a prop at the Bicycle Casin...
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Lowball draw is a game where being able to read your opponent and exploit your deal position are all-important Lowball in the name for any variation of poker i...
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Stud hi/lo can be a fantastically profitable and enjoyable game if you have a decent memory and a little patience When I first started propping in Los Angeles,...
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Seven-card stud is a deceptively complex game and the key to beating it is by carefully analysing each street Over the past year or so, no-limit hold’em games ...
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Basic strategy behind beating the classic poker game five-card draw Five-card draw is a simple game with only two betting rounds. Each player is dealt five car...
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David Tuchman continues his series on limit hold’em strategy with a look at post-flop play and the concept of buying free cards In limit hold’em there ar...
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Betting for value on the river is the key to being a winning limit hold’em player In limit hold’em you will rarely call a big bet on the turn and then fo...
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Despite its reputation as a simple game, pre-flop play in limit hold’em is a complex and subtle affair While no-limit hold’em is the undisputed king of the pla...
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Betting decisions on sixth and seventh streets in seven-card stud The final face-down card adds an element of mystery and makes your decisions more reli...
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Basic seven-card stud strategy looking at key decisions on fourth and fifth streets If you can get heads-up you stand less chance of being outdrawn and ...
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