Poker buddies

Poker buddies

New UK based community website aims to put home game players in touch with like-minded souls Are you one of the legions of players tired of trying to arrange f... Continue Reading


Bigger field, better prizes – APAT arrives in Newcastle for its second live event It was with feverish anticipation that amateur players from across the countr... Continue Reading
Napoleon's charity do

Napoleon's charity do

Napoleons Casino in Owlerton, Sheffield hosts the inaugural Lord Mayor’s Appeal Trophy Poker and charity are closely linked, with many of the top players in th... Continue Reading
Paradise to Boss

Paradise to Boss

Sportingbet and its flagship poker brand Paradise Poker strike deal with Boss Media network Sportingbet Plc, the online gaming giant and the owner of Paradise ... Continue Reading
Pokerzone Cup

Pokerzone Cup

Poker TV station launches massive new national freeroll competition, and everyone is invited Pokerzone is the home of award-winning show Poker Night Live, and ... Continue Reading
WPT Borgata result

WPT Borgata result

The World Poker Tour results are in from Atlantic City and it's a big win for John Hennigan John "Johnny World" Hennigan has scooped the World P... Continue Reading
DTD latest

DTD latest

The big live poker project in Nottingham, Dusk Till Dawn, gets UK Gambling Commission thumbs up Big news has reached us from the Midlands, and it’s a gre... Continue Reading
PKR Student Tour

PKR Student Tour

3D internet operator PKR is making a lot of students very happy with its live and online promotions We at PokerPlayer only wish that poker was as big when we w... Continue Reading


New outfit YourPokerCity is set to launch poker for points and prizes at glamorous venues in Manchester If you’re in Manchester, UK, and fancy playing so... Continue Reading
WPT betting

WPT betting

Paddy Power launches market on $10,000 buy-in WPT event at Commerce Casino in Los Angeles Paddy Power has launched the outright betting market on the prest... Continue Reading