Sky Sports finally show Annette Obrestad’s historic WSOPE victory It may have happened over 6 months ago but the UK is finally being given the chance to ...
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Ultimate Bet kicks off 64-player one-on-one Bracket of Champions heads-up poker series The Grand National and FA Cup semi-finals aren’t competition desti...
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A retro look at Annette Obrestad’s continued dominance in the 2007 Dublin European Poker Tour On the afternoon of October 30, 2007, 221 poker players pou...
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Phil Laak recently emerged victorious from a battle with the smartest artificial poker minds in the world. Poker robots. But computers are closer than ever to ...
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PokerPlayer contributor Mark ‘Mr Cool’ Goodwin wins Leg 4 of the Grosvenor UK Poker Tour in Manchester Grosvenor UK Poker Tour, Manchester, 24-26 A...
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Red-hot Channing leads Team GB to glory in the Poker Nations cup Neil Channing: “I am just as proud of this as I am of my win in Ireland, it was an hono...
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Poker legend Mike Sexton heads a top class field for the PartyPoker World Open The World Open IV takes place in London between 25th April &ndash...
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Everyone makes mistakes in poker. Here are the seven biggest and tips how to avoid them Lust 1. Raising marginal hands in early position On the surface, this a...
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Update from the EPT Grand Final in Monte Carlo "The largest poker tournament to ever take place in Europe" One of the poker calendar’s b...
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Irish Open winner Neil Channing adds another £50,000 to his booty after backing himself to win Neil Channing added £50,000 to the €801,400 he took h...
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