The Aria Casino in Las Vegas opens The Ivey Room, an exclusive high stakes cash game room The newest casino in Las Vegas, the Aria inside the CityCenter resort...
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Plumber Andrew Couldridge wins PokerStars UKIPT Nottingham, beating 649 other players Andrew Couldridge has won the Nottingham leg of the PokerStars UK & I...
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Local player David Harris wins the first leg of the 2010 British Masters Poker Tour Local poker player David Harris won the first leg of the 2010 C...
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Dave Marley wins his second SPT title in the Glasgow leg 1. David Marley £4,000 2. Dan Brown £2,600 3. Phil Ferns £1,800 4. David Llewellyn £1,350 5. Brad Payn...
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Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels star Nick Moran is the new face of Ladbrokes Poker In an exciting new partnership Ladbrokes Poker have announced that Nick ...
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UK star Liv Boeree wins EPT San Remo and a first prize of €1,250,000 Liv Boeree became only the third woman to win a European Poker Tour event yesterday when s...
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When poker players aren’t picking up bullets at the table, they’re shooting them in the Las Vegas desert. Michael Kaplan grabs his flak jacket to f...
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Michael Kaplan chats to four World Series success stories from the past decade ?and finds out how the wins have affected them, for better or worse If you make ...
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In the quest for bigger profits you must look to steal pots at every turn. But that doesn’t mean you should stop thinking in the process… I am a th...
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PokerPlayer runs down the top 5 niche poker sites – featuring pirates, UFC and brothels 1. Red Cherry Poker With a rewards programme that includes prizes...
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