WSOPE Main Event Result

Amateur Christophe Benzimra wins latest EPT title in Warsaw

EPT Warsaw,  20th October-25th October 2009

Entrants: 203
$9,000 US
Prize pool:
$1,717,000 US

1. Christophe
Benzimra (France) — €358,644
2. Alfio
Battisti (Italy) — €200,520
3. Oleksandr
Vaserfirer (Ukraine) — €120,311
4. Luca
Pagano (Italy) — €85,938
5. Ruslan
Prydryk (Ukraine) — €71,041
6. Clayton
Mozdzen (Canada) — €56,144
7. Alexander
Klimashin (Russia) — €44,687
8. Anatoly
Gurtovoy (Russia) — €32,082

Age triumphed over youth in the EPT Warsaw Main Event,
which came to a climax when 47-year-old Frenchman Christophe Benzimra stormed
through a final table with an average age of under 31. The previously unknown
French Plexiglas factory owner took just under 8 hours to shatter the rest of
the final table, claiming 4 knockouts along the way. The most notable player at
the final table was EPT record breaker Luca Pagano who was making his 5th EPT
final table, and his 12th EPT cash. He had fought his way through a relatively
small field of just 203 players, which EPT regulars seemingly preferring warmer
climates such as Barcelona.

The first elimination took place during the 8-handed action when EPT Regular
Anatoly Gurtovoy raised all-in preflop with A-Q. Oleksandr Vaserfirer made the
call, and his pocket Jacks held up to eliminate the Russian. Mother Russia took
another hit when Alexander Klimashin was the next man out. Alexander made the
open-raise all-in with pocket Nines, but Benzimra called with A-K and the Ace
on the flop was enough to send the second Russian packing in quick succession.

The last player from outside Europe was the next eliminated when Canadian
Pokerstars qualifier Clayton Mozdzen
three betted all-in Alfio Battisti who
snap-called with A-A. The Ace’s held and the Canadian pocketed a cool €56,144
for 6th place.

The next elimination saw Benzimra win the biggest hand of
the tournament when he made the move all-in, which was called by the two Ukrainian’s
at the table, Olexsandr Vaserfirer and Ruslan Prydyk. Benzimra was well behind
when he showed J-J to Vaserfirer’s A-A and Prydyk’s Q-Q, but a Jack on the flop
sent Prydyk out, and took a big chunk of Vaserfirer’s chip lead. Benzmira then
notched up his third knockout when his Q-10 paired the board against Pagano’s
shove all-in with A-5. Vaserfirer was next to go out in third when his A-8 got
no help from the board against Battisti’s A-K.

The heads-up battle lasted just an hour and all the chips
when in when Battisti picked up the nut flush draw against Benzimra’s two pair.
Benzimra dodged the remaining clubs and took victory, including the €358,644
first place prize.

The EPT is next in action in Vilamoura, Portugal November 17 – 22.

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