Winner disqualified

PokerStars has announced WCOOP 2007 winner ‘TheVOid’ has forfeited his $1.2 million prize

The first place winner of this year’s PokerStars World Championship of Online Poker, who won $1.2 million dollars, has been disqualified for cheating. After a two week investigation PokerStars has announced that ‘TheVOid’ was breaking the rules and has consequently forfeited his prize money (the biggest win in the history of online poker), his bracelet, and been banned from the site.

It has been rumoured that ‘TheVOid’ is a top UK player who had been multi-accounting during the tournament. Although the details of these allegations have not been confirmed it is believed the player took over ‘The VOid’ account after he had been eliminated from the WCOOP, and then went on to win it.

In a statement posted on the website, Stephen W, Manager of PokerStars Game Security said: The investigation into the WCOOP Main Event has now been concluded. We have determined, based on the totality of evidence, that the tournament winner ‘TheV0id’ was in breach of the PokerStars Terms of Service.

“In the interests of Game Integrity, ‘TheV0id’ has been disqualified from first place. All other WCOOP Main Event prize winners in addition to the player who originally bubbled in 415th place will therefore advance one place in the prize pool. The necessary financial adjustments to reflect the revised tournament places will be made within the next 24 hours.

“Please note that we are unable to release further details of this investigation, for reasons of confidentiality and privacy.”

While this is bad news for ‘TheVOid’ online players worldwide are applauding PokerStars for its decision, as are the top 415 entrants to the WCOOP who will all receive a share of the first place prize sum. Second place finisher ‘Ka$ino’ will be bumped up to first place, banking almost $600,000 extra and PokerStars sponsored pro Vanessa ‘LadyMaverick’ Rousso who finished third, will be credited with an extra $250,000.

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