US protest

Dissent grows in America over recent backdoor legislation banning internet poker

As the fallout concerning the effective outlawing of internet poker continues to blow across the gambling landscape, new voices are being heard piping up in protest in the US.

The backlash is growing and emanates from various and varied places. The offending legislation, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act [UIGE], has its roots in religious conservative politics, but other right-leaning factions are up-in-arms about the developments.

It has been suggested the move could bring about a split in conservative politics in the US, between religious and economic conservatives. Economic conservatives see the change as a direct affront to free market forces, and suggest gambling is American as the Gold Rush or indeed Wall Street.

Added to these voices in Washington (a city which was built, at least partly, with lottery funding…) are the voices of ordinary poker players, registering and organising their displeasure all over the country.

The Poker Patriots, headed up by Hank Tamerlane & Doug Savoy have joined the good fight.

Their mandate which has been sent in to PokerPlayer states:

“We love poker almost as much as we love freedom and the right to make our own choices. But the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act [UIGE] has now infringed upon Americans rights and freedoms, limiting access and choice to play poker online and we just won’t stand for it. Meet the birth of Poker Patriots.”

They go on to define their role and underline the importance of poker in American society: “A patriot is a defender of individual rights against interference by the federal government. Frist and Goodlatte’s (two politicians that have championed the crackdown) efforts are pure interference. America is the birthplace of poker and the game is an institution, a tradition, a legend.

“Poker Patriots will strive to create a community of players and advocates with a purpose to reverse the UIGE and demand the US government license and regulate the industry. We all know that this prohibition is more protectionism disguised as morality, so let’s face reality together. We will fight for freedom and choice through petitions, lobbying, protests and debates”

Get on over to their website for all the latest discussion.

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