Price is right for Vinny

Vinny Price beat 120 hopefuls to win the £550 Walsall Summer Series main event for £19,520

The Price was definitely right for Vincent Price in Walsall this past weekend as he turned £550 into £19,520. The 21-year-old who works for the West Midlands Business Council defeated a field of 121 players. His heads up opponent was Toby Lewis, 19, a well respected online pro from Southampton. After a long and tense heads up battle it was Price who eventually triumphed. In the final hand Price held 6-4 against Lewis K-9 there was betting on every street of a 6-4-9-4-8 board with all the money in by the river, Price’s full house gave him the win, the trophy and a seat in the end of season Champion of Champions event.

Also at the final table were Mickey Wernick who finished ninth and GUKPT Newcastle champion Tony Phillips who finished sixth. Phillips had earlier won a £300 side event at the festival.

The next leg of the GUKPT tour takes place in Luton, starting the first week of Auguest. You can qualify online at

GUKPT Summer Series £550 Main Event result

1 Vinny Price £19,520

2 Toby Lewis £12,700

3 Simon Wickenden £8,770

4 Abed Eid £5,440

5 Gordon Gainsford £3,930

6 Tony Phillips £3,020

7 Richard Connolly £2,420

8 Jeff Bufenbarger £1,820

9 Mickey Wernick £1,210

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