Poker Palooza

VC Poker player Steffen Stubo gets company logo tattooed to his backside while maintaining poker face

Poker players have been known to do some strange things for kicks when away from the table and Victor Chandler Poker has made a lasting impression on one loyal player.

The stunt happened at VC Poker’s Prague Poker Palooza as a budding school teacher accepted the challenge of having the VC logo tattooed on his rear-end whilst attempting to maintain his pokerface at the irreverent Crack My Pokerface party.

24 year old Norwegian Steffen Stubo agreed to tattoo his posterior for permanent posterity, with Victor Chandler Poker offering him €500 if he could maintain his pokerface whilst under the needle. The University of Oslo student’s steely resolve overcame his discomfort much to the surprise and respect of the audience.

Stubo’s tattoo was the grand finale of Victor Chandler’s Crack My Pokerface party, where contestants vied for cash prizes by trying to maintain their pokerfaces whilst eating red hot habaneros peppers, getting spanked, having their chests waxes or having “fat lass” lap dances.

Held at the sensational Spearmint Casino in Prague, in conjunction with VC Poker’s Prague Poker Palooza festival, the event featured a succession of outrageous stunts with Stubo’s the most memorable.

Steffen Stubo, VC Poker Player, said: “I thought it would be a very funny story and a fun thing to do. It was a bit of an impulse, but I’m the kind of person that once I’ve made a choice, I stick to it. To be honest, I don’t regret it in the least.”

Lee Ferris, VC Poker Marketing Manager, said: “We were shocked and amazed when Steffen took us up on this dare, but I knew the minute I looked him in the eye that he was serious about it and to his credit he didn’t flinch an inch during the tattoo. Steffen has the poker face of a champion and the tattoo to match.”

Over CZK 1,710,000 in prizes were awarded at the first ever VC Poker Prague Poker Palooza, a unique tournament festival featuring live poker, VIP parties and edgy extreme stunts. Video clips from this one-of-a-kind poker festival can be seen at:

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