Playboy Poker Camp

Poker and the Playboy brand is a match made in heaven, and the Playboy Poker Camp looks fantastic

The inaugural Playboy Poker Camp is set for 17 January early next year at the Casino Morongo in Palm Springs, USA.

Alongside what you would expect from such an event, i.e. the glamour, the girls and the parties, there is a serious poker objective, and those that attend will come out of the experience better poker players.

World Series of Poker 2003 Main Event winner Chris Moneymaker is the headline coach and will be guiding campers through the do’s and don’t’s of Texas Hold’em.

Chris Moneymaker was born and raised in Tennessee. And yes, that is his real last name. Chris attended the University of Tennessee and majored in accounting, ultimately graduating with a Masters degree.

In 2003, Chris converted a $40 online tournament entry into the World Series of Poker crown and $2.5 million. Today, he divides his time between Nashville, corporate sponsorships and playing in poker tournaments worldwide.

And he has been described, by the New York Times no less, in the following fashion: “Moneymaker, the patron saint of poker, is widely credited with transforming a nearly two-century- old pastime played from frontier saloons to modern kitchen tables into a recent cultural phenomenon.”

With the camp and inevitable poker tournament fast approaching, Chris has the following tips for your game:

“Don’t get married to a hand. (You must be able to throw your hand away when it is obviously beaten no matter how good a hand you started with.) This happens a lot with Ace King. Also, don’t try to beat the other players; let them try to beat you. Memorize this.”

The ex-World Series champ added: “Don’t try to steal a pot by trying to bluff a bad player, a big loser or a big winner, and be sure to vary your playing strategy. The player whose game is always the same becomes an easy mark for good poker players.”

But it’s not just Moneymaker who will be dishing out the advice, Deanna, one of the playboy bunnies, is also a keen poker player, and will be lending a helping hand in the coaching stakes.

Without a doubt she knows flops from her flushes and has the following advice ahead of the camp:

“Your hand is not over when you fold. Continue to watch the hand and look for information from your opponents. Be sure to study the person to the immediate left of you first because he will have position on you in almost every hand. After that find the aggressor at the table as you will probably be in a hand with him soon.”

And perhaps the best tip for those attending the camp: “wearing shades will hide many of your tells, and will be very helpful when playing with Playboy bunnies.”

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