Mouth cusses Gold

Matusow backs Cunningham in high stakes heads-up rematch with WSOP champ

Mike Matusow has launched a tirade at WSOP champion Jamie Gold. Matusow, who was in London for the European Poker Masters reacted angrily to Gold’s comment that he gave Cunningham ‘a lot more credit’ than he should have.

Matsusow said: ‘Jamie Gold can’t play his way out of a paper bag… All Allen had to do is win one pot against him and he would have won the tournament. He [Gold] is not a nice guy, I’ve heard very bad things about him. He’s very cocky and not paying the other guy the $6m is enough to tell you what the guy is. If I’d won and told someone I’d give them half, man, I couldn’t wait to give them it. And he thinks he’s a better player than Allen? I’ll put up his $12m and we’ll watch the two play and see who’ll win. I’d mortgage my house, my car, my business, on Allen.

[Matusow shouts across the room to Cunningham] ‘Allen, I’m mortgaging my life on you! Because Jamie Gold told him [Matusow points to PokerPlayer reporter] that there’s no way he couldn’t outplay anybody at the final table. Well, if he wants to put up the $12m, we’ll put it up and see who wins.’

Although Cunningham replied, ‘Good idea. Go for it,’ as far as we know the high-stakes heads-up match is yet to be set up. Rest assured if Gold accepts you’ll read about it first here.

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