MacDonald Wins CBMPT in Leeds

18-year-old Tom MacDonald has won the latest leg of the Coral British Masters Poker Tour in Leeds winning £14,300

Tom MacDonald has been crowned Leeds champion in the second event of the 2009 British Masters Poker Tour.

Tom, an 18-year-old student from Hull, beat 93 other players to take the title, the first prize of £14,300 and a seat at the season final play-off for the coveted sponsorship deal in 2010.

Tom outlasted a final table that included Eddie Lundon (2nd in Edinburgh). Tom was heads-up against Jamie Sykes with a 3:1 chip lead and it was over in just 30 minutes when 10h fell on the river and made Tom’s flush against Jamie’s two pair, giving us our second champion of the tour.

Tom said: “Oh, it’s great! I’m glad that I won – it’s good to have a tournament win on the British live poker scene.’

Next stop for Tom, who despite a young age has already chalked up £46,000 in career earnings, is University, but he intends to keep up his appearances at British Masters events; “I’m going to Newcastle University in September to study maths and economics. I learned to play online, and I usually prefer to play online but I’ll play in the other legs now as they’re not too far away.”’s head of poker, Mark O’Donnell, said: “Tom played well throughout and thoroughly deserved his win. He’s only 18 so I think we’ll see plenty more of him.”

For details of forthcoming legs on the CMBPT visit

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