Liv Boeree Wins EPT

UK star Liv Boeree wins EPT San Remo and a first prize of €1,250,000

Liv Boeree became only the third woman to win a European Poker Tour event yesterday when she was the last woman standing at EPT San Remo. Boeree triumphed over a staggering field of 1,240 players to win the trophy and €1,250,000 prize.

The pro – and blogger – played superbly throughout the final table and, in her own words ‘played her ass off’ to beat Jakob Carolsson heads-up. Boeree now joins Vicky Coren and German Sandra Naujoks in the elite group of female EPT champions.

Watch out for Liv Boeree’s latest video blog where she will be telling us how she did it. Congratulations to Liv from everybody at!

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