Ladbrokes Pub Poker

The Duchess pub puts Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels into Ladbrokes online pub poker tourney

The stars of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Dexter Fletcher and Jason Flemyng, have thrown down the gauntlet to pubs nationwide in their bid to win Ladbrokes five week long online pub poker tournament, which started yesterday, Sunday 28 October.

The two hope to lead a team of merry men they hope to online victory, by playing in the Sunday tournaments, representing The Duchess pub in a quest for one of twenty seats for the live final at Ladbrokes Paddington Casino on 9 December.

Apart from cash, a poker cruise and an all expenses paid celebrity poker party at your local, there are a number of other prizes waiting to be won.

If you want to get involved all you need to do is get your local landlord to sign up. Plus, if you get a minimum of 15 players interested in playing Ladbrokes will send your pub a free poker kit, which includes tables, chips and cards – everything you need to run your own tournament!

Jason, part owner of south London pub, The Duchess says, "I love playing poker and it’s about time I can play with my mates in my pub. The Ladbrokes Pub Poker Championship gives people the opportunity to represent their pub and I can’t wait to get involved with Dexter and the boys. Enter the tournament and take on The Duchess if you think you’re up to it."

Samantha Alleyne, PR Manager of commented. "The Duchess was one of the first pubs to sign-up to play. We’re really pleased to have them on board as I think they will really add to the games."

"To play costs a fiver and the prizes on offer make it well worth the small buy-in. Over 400 pubs have signed up so far to play and 15 of those, via the points they accumulate, will be brought to London to play in the final. A further five players will be wild-carded in to make up a 20 runner MTT. "

Jason Flemyng and Dexter Fletcher are having to fit the tournaments into their busy acting schedule. Both appear in new fantasy flick Stardust, alongside Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer and Sienna Miller. Fletcher is also currently appearing in the BBC TV drama Robin Hood.

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