King of cash game

Ladbrokes poker has announced a three-day $20,000 online cash game for its top ten players are hosting what could be one of the most exciting online cash games of the year – an invitation only, $20,000 unlimited re-buy event for the best ten Ladbrokes poker players of the last five years – and lurkers are more than welcome to go and watch.

Two five-seater cash games will take place 17 and 18 October, between 19:00 and 00:00 BST, and at 19:35 on October 19, there will be a heads-up battle between the day two chip-leaders in a bid to take down the title ‘Ladbrokes Cash King’.

Players will not be allowed to cash out in profit within the first two and a half hours of play on days one and two, and on day three the winner will be the person with the most chips after a series of five heads-up games at the stroke of midnight.

All players will be free to keep their winnings from the first two days of play, but the best player out of the ten starters will win – in addition to their accumulated cash and ‘Ladbrokes Legend’ status – an extra $48,000, a $9,000 cruise combo package and a $2,650 buy-in to the Ladbrokes European Online Championship of Poker.

Edward Ihre, managing director of said: "I’m delighted with the calibre of the players who have accepted our invitation to play, they count amongst the finest in Europe and hold between them two EPT titles and a World Open III title.

“These players are respected as the most dangerous of cash and tourney players in Europe. The players coupled with our unique no-holds barred format will ensure this event will produce two really exciting heats and a great final! I for one will definitely be logging on to watch."

The Ladbrokes Legends cash game will give players young and old the chance to establish themselves as one of the best in Europe – if not the world. High-profile player Erik ‘TheSalmon’ Sagström has accepted an invitation, and so far it looks like he will be joined at the cyber-baize by Nebuchad, Zupp_3, terken89, cookiedough, Pokerkong, mohamade, Pokergirl1, _Theah_ and B6OKY1.

If you find you haven’t had an invitation to this event then you will be free to log on and watch, and you will even be able to use the observer chat facility – although you will not be allowed to interact with the players. Check out for more information.

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