Geshkenbein wins EPT Snowfest

Up-and-coming Russian dominates final table in Austria

Vladimir Geshkenbein netted his third major live tournament win and his first EPT title this week, outlasting a stacked 482-strong field at EPT Snowfest for €390,000.

Giacomo Maisto was the man to beat coming into the final table. But his chip lead quickly evaporated before Geshkenbein sent him to the rail in fourth. Geshkenbein then went on to knock-out Koen de Visscher and Belgian Kevin Vandermissen heads-up, to add a EPT title to his APPT High Rollers and PKR heads-up Grand Slam from 2009.

Heads-up lasting less than 30 minutes, and facing a slight chip deficit, Vandermissen shoved preflop with K-10. Geshkenbein’s A-9 was a slight favourite and after hitting his ace on the flop, it was all over.

And in much the same vein as EPT Deauville winner Lucien Cohen, whos plastic rat dominated proceedings, Geshkenbein was waving a stuffed monkey throughout the event. As always, PokerPlayer will be here to report on the next EPT event in Berlin, and any stuffed animals that make the money!

The final table standings were as follows

1 Vladimir Geshkenbein €390,000
2 Kevin Vandersmissen €260,000
3 Koen de Visscher €147,000
4 Giacomo Maisto €100,000
5 Cristian Dragomir €81,000
6 Philip Meulyzer €65,000
7 Denis Murphy €49,000
8 Morten Mortensen €35,000

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