GBPT results

The Nottingham leg of the Great British Poker Tour brought a win for amateur player Steve Holden

Amateur player Steve Holden has won the third leg of the Gala Great British Poker Tour held in Nottingham over 12-13 May, and a £19,900 first prize.

Holden began his strong run of form on Friday against 111 other competitors in the £200 No Limit Hold’em freezeout event, which offered a seat to the sold out £500 main event.

Victory in this satellite scooped Holden £4,990, and more importantly the seat at the big tournament.

Saturday’s main event kicked off with 111 players gunning for the £65,500 prizepool and the coveted first place prize of £19,900 plus entrance to the £2,500 GBPT Grand Final in November.

Stuart Rutter was quickly out of the traps, aggressively playing a nut flush draw on the board of Qs 9h 4s.

With Js 10s, Pete Lynton re-raised all-in with an open-ended straight draw. A Jack on the turn put Lynton in the lead, but a spade on the river completed Rutter’s flush and put him in a commanding position with 40,000 chips after just a few hours play. The first day concluded at 4am with just twelve players remaining.

Three more players were discarded at the beginning of day two, before the remaining nine players sat down at the ‘final’ table.

At this point more pressure was heaped on the players: only eight would make the televised final table. Mazhar Nawab was the unlucky one who missed the boat, and in eliminating him, Steve Holden went to the final table with a runaway chip lead.

Under the television lights, the tournament structure meant the blinds rolled back from 4,000/8,000 to 2,000/4,000.

With only four players remaining, Nottingham ace Ash Abdullah re-raised all-in with pocket Eights, and was called by Rutter’s pocket Queens. The board brought no help for Abdullah and he exited in fourth place with £5,300.

Dave Maudlin was Rutter’s next victim, as his trip sixes lost to a runner runner flush draw, crippling his stack. Maudlin went all-in the very next hand, and was eliminated as Holden’s 8-4 flopped two pair. Maudlin walked away with £8,700 and a £500 seat at the GBPT Bournemouth main event.

Heads-up began with Holden holding a considerable chip lead. The first flop brought J-J-3 rainbow and both players checked. After a 4 on the turn, Rutter fired out a bet of 18,000. Holden retaliated raising it to 50,000 more. Rutter, with 9-2, stood his ground and made it a further 90,000 to go. Holden mucked and the chip stacks were near even.

The tournament was finally decided by a race. With pocket Tens, Rutter raised to 25,000 pre-flop. Holden hit back, making it another 100,000. Rutter responding by pushing all-in. Holden, taking time to think, called showing A-Q.

A quick chip count showed Holden to have a slight advantage, and so the race was on. A Queen on the flop sealed the victory for Holden and sent Rutter off in second place with £12,700, as well as a £500 GBPT Bournemouth main event buy-in.

Steve Holden will now be looking to stretch his initial £200 investment even further. As well as taking home the cash and a troppy, he now has the pleasure of joining Eddie Gains and Colin Pearson in the £2,500 GBPT Grand Final Main Event in Bristol in November.

Stephen said of his win: “I’m delighted – the dealer kept delivering great hands and some strong plays ensured that I came out on top. After putting in so much effort at card tables all around Nottinghamshire, this is a result to remember!”

“The Great British Poker Tour is a brilliant chance for UK players to show off their skills in their own country,” he continued. “So many tours are focused abroad, so it’s good to face some homegrown talent on our own turf. I’m now hoping I can bring the overall title home to Telford.”

Final results:
1st – S Holden, £19,900
2nd – S Rutter, £12,700
3rd – D Maudlin, £8,700
4th – A Abdullah, £5,300
5th – A Brunetti, £3,800
6th – L Danaher, £2,500
7th – J Boursfield, £2,200
8th – D Maudlin £8,700

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