Everest Promotion

Official statement on InsidePoker’s WSOP promotion with Everest

InsidePoker regrets to announce Everest Poker has decided to suspend the WSOP promotion running in the May issue of the magazine.

Prior to running the promotion InsidePoker was informed by Everest Poker there was no limit on reader eligibility beyond the tournament capacity of 2000.

However, once the promotion went live Everest revealed they had placed a limit on reader entrants and this capacity was reached early on Thursday evening.

"Everest Poker had set up the promotion for only a certain amount of InsidePoker readers, all of which were accommodated yesterday, but we did not to communicate this to InsidePoker," an Everest Spokeswoman said.

"The fault here is our own and not that of InsidePoker and we sincerely apologise for this situation."

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