EPT Prague Results

Jan Skampa wins EPT Prague to record his second consecutive EPT final table and become the biggest ever Czech money winner

Entrants: 586
Buy-in: €5,000
Prizepool: €2,842,100

EPT Prague has been won by 23-year old student Jan Skampa. Skampa beat a field of 586 players to take over $1m in first prize money.

Although much of the rail was there to support local boy Skampa, EPT veteran Luca Pagano also had a keen following, eager to see the six-time EPT final tablist go all the way.

Unfortunately for Pagano, he ran his A-J into Stefan Mattson‘s Queens and had to settle for sixth place. However this, his 13th cash, did at least make him the most successful EPT player of all time.

The bust-out helped Mattson stretch out a substantial lead and with four left, he had a million more chips than nearest rival Skampa. However a big clash between the two players put the momentum firmly in Skampa’s favour and it seemed that with over 9m – 50% of the chips in play – he was home free.

But the Israeli player Eyal Avitan was still very much in the hunt and with three players left in, he managed to sneak the chiplead. After eliminating Mattson, Avitan had a decent advantage going into heads-up but Skampa patiently ground him down. The final hand saw all the chips go in with Skampa’s Jacks well ahead of Avitan’s J-9.

The board failed to bring a miracle set of nines and Skampa was crowned a popular champion.

It’s been a remarkable couple of months for Skampa. In November he came 4th in EPT Vilamoura, cashing for over $174k. The two results put his all-time winnings list at $1.26m and leader by far on the Czech all-time money list.

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