eCOGRA latest

Regulatory body rubberstamps four more sites and undertakes in-depth online poker survey

One of the welcome advances in online poker is the existence and continuing development of regulatory bodies. It’s a win-win scenario really, the operators are legitimised by independent experts and the punters get not only better service but feel their money is safe.

The leading institution in this field is eCOGRA, which stands for eCommerce and Online Gambling Regulation and Assurance. You may have seen their logo on poker sites, sites which they feel cut the mustard.

eCOGRA was established in 2003, and since then 21 well established and quality online poker rooms and 90 online casino sites operated by some of the largest and most successful business groups in the industry now carry the "Play It Safe" seal, which assures players of fair games and efficient and responsive treatment.

eCOGRA has recently added another four sites to their list of approved sites, and they have launched an ambitious survey of online players called the Global Online Gambler Survey.

The new sites which have received accreditation are:

Pacific Poker
Colosseum Poker
Wildjack Poker
Big Dollar Casino

These four additions bring the number of accredited sites to 111, well ahead of eCOGRA’s target.

Andrew Beveridge, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of eCOGRA commented: "Professional interest in improving business through better and more player-sensitive operational conduct continues to attract applicants to the well-proved eCOGRA system,"

"Several significant online gambling operations are currently undergoing our acceptance inspection process and we hope to make further announcements before the end of the year.”

He continued: "The initiative remains open to all online gambling software providers and licensees prepared to commit to the eCOGRA principals and requirements for better service and player protection."

The Global Online Gambler Survey, which was launched earlier this month is believed to be the largest research initiative into player behaviour and attitudes and aims to capture the views of 20,000 online poker and casino players, with the findings set to be made public in January 2007.

The survey is expected to remain open for the next few months and anyone wishing to take part should visit

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