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The big live poker project in Nottingham, Dusk Till Dawn, gets UK Gambling Commission thumbs up

Big news has reached us from the Midlands, and it’s a great success for Nottingham and live poker in this country.

Dusk Till Dawn, the ambitious live poker club being set up in the home town of Robin Hood, has received it’s Certificate of Consent from the UK Gambling Commission.

It’s another step for the giant club, located at Redfield Way, Lenton Retail Park, Nottingham, on the way to opening and bringing big time poker to the region.

The process has been rigorous, meticulous and demanding, but also fair and reasonable in light of the risks associated with running a venture of this scale and in this sector.

Dusk Till Dawn will be a “poker only” dedicated venue, as opposed to offering casino “house games” such as roulette and blackjack.

Despite the significant costs of being compliant, these procedures, policies, licensing, employment and controls will be executed to the same high standards that the Gambling Commission expect of all UK casinos under the 1968 Act and the forthcoming 2005 Act, due to be implemented from 1st September 2007.

The next step is for the club to the submit their application to Nottingham council for an April hearing to be held at Nottingham Magistrates Court. The criteria that will be assessed will be: “is there an acceptable level demand for this poker club?”. However, it should also be noted that even if demand is not proven, the court still has the powers of discretion to grant Dusk Till Dawn permission to operate.

With over 3000 people having already applied for membership of Dusk Till Dawn, as well as the dramatic growth in the overall popularity of poker across the UK and Europe, the club hopes that there is little doubt that demand will be proven. However, the impact of any third parties claiming “material loss” if Dusk Till Dawn opens, could still be a mitigating factor.

It’s no secret that the Dusk Till Dawn project has been made through numerous hoops, as the opening of a poker club in the UK is a lengthy and challenging process.

Dusk Till Dawn is now at the last stage of the process, and a successful outcome is still not assured, as objections by local casinos at the Magistrates Court could cause further delays.

However the team behind the project believe the OK from the Gambling Commission has been the most important stage so far.

The team have worked hard to get Dusk Till Dawn ready to open, the club is in the final weeks of refurbishment, staff have been recruited and trained, systems have been tested and even the opening night has been planned.

However, the date is not yet set and the champagne remains on ice as the UK poker community eagerly awaits the findings of Nottingham Magistrates Court.

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