Dialadealer offer

The home poker company are running a half price deal – but you have to be quick…

Dialadealer.com the company that provides professional dealers to your door has been in touch regarding a great offer they are running.

If you’re in the UK and you want to take the stress out of your home game – these guys are worth a try.

A pro dealer turns up with everything you need for a a luxury night of poker – poker table, chairs, chips and cards.

We are going to keep this one simple! And let’s hope you have opened this email in time.

Next Monday, 30 July, they are giving away half price Home Poker Packages. Yes, that’s a Home Poker Package for £100 + Vat.

You must book and pay for you package on Monday 30 July between 11.30am and 1pm. That gives you 1 ½ hours to call us up, check availability and claim our special online discount code.

You must then complete your purchase by paying online before 1pm. Your discount code will not work outside of these hours. So make sure you have access to the internet and a phone between these hours.

Round up your mates for the bargain of the year! Get 2 or 3 possible dates for holding your poker night to make sure we can accommodate you. Then roll on Monday 30th July 11.30am!

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