Betfair Pokerfecta

Two online players win three MTTs in one week at Betfair Poker and split an $11,000 jackpot

As poker sites come up with more and newer enticements and bonuses, a popular idea seems to be to encourage players to string tournament successes together.

Pokerfecta is the big new promotion at Betfair Poker and offers up a progressive jackpot for any player who can win three MTTs in a week on the Betfair tables.

No player has managed to do it since the Pokerfecta started – but two guys have done it in the same week. So congratulations go to Hedger43 and JONBUCHAN who split the $11,000 Jackpot, taking home $5,500 for their efforts.

In the week commencing 31 March Hedger43 won two $1,000 GTD Super Turbos and a $600 GTD Turbo; while JONBUCHAN won three $1000 GTD Super Turbos.

JONBUCHAN was thoroughly ecstatic about his win, and the money which will be going towards the drinks tab at his wedding which takes place this coming weekend in Dublin. Talk about timing!

The other lucky winner Hedger43 had an extra impressive win, managing to take down not just three MTTs but four!

“I was delighted to win once I’d won the first two tournaments, however was gutted when I heard I had to share it – fair play to johnbuchan though, he deserves it! If he wants to go heads-up for the other 5.5 I’m up for it!”

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