Betdaq & PokerXFactor

Online site teams up with highly rated poker training website PokerXFactor

Global betting exchange Betdaq has announced a partnership with top drawer online poker training website, PokerXFactor.

Seven video tutorials provided by PokerXFactor professionals, including the kings of online tournaments Cliff “JohnnyBax” Josephy and Eric “Sheets” Haber – as well as up and coming superstars like John “PearlJammer” Turner and Eric “Rizen” Lynch – will be available to all Betdaq users through their website.

The tutorials give advice and tips to players of all abilities on all key elements of poker strategy, ranging from simple starting hand selection, to bankroll management and playing against aggressive opponents.

In addition, all Betdaq Poker users who accumulate 500 VIP points can take advantage of a free 3-month membership to the world’s best online poker training site – including all forum chats, video library stock and one-on-one review sessions with the pros. The initial sign-up fee (first month included) is $149.95 and monthly renewal (after the first month) is $24.95 per month, so the value for Betdaq users is plain to see.

PokerXFactor has recently merged with another top training site PokerFox, whose creators, Chris “pokerfox” Wallace and Adam “hatfield13” Stemple, will join PokerXFactor as instructors. The acquisition of PokerFox will add well over 200 video tutorials, as well as many blogs and articles, all designed to help players improve their game.

As well as video tutorials, the ‘play like a pro’ quiz feature on PokerXFactor allows any player to play along with the pros as they progress through a tournament. The feature teaches users how to play like them and is the perfect tool to really get into the mind of a professional poker player.

“ has proved itself to be the number one poker training site in the world,” comments Betdaq PR Director Russ Wiseman, “They have the best poker brains around and our new affiliation with them will give all of our users the chance to take their poker skills to the next level – regardless of what level that may be.”

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