Armed Robbery At Swiss Casino

Armed robbers stage a raid on Swiss casino, just weeks after EPT Berlin armed raid

Poker has been in the mainstream news for all the wrong reasons again this weekend as a casino in Basle, Switzerland was raided by armed thieves who took off with hundreds of thousands of francs. The robbery took place in the early hours of Sunday morning by around 10 gang members who brandished pistols and machine guns. Though the gunmen took off with a substantial sum of money, thankfully nobody was hurt.

The Swiss hold-up comes just weeks after the PokerStars EPT Berlin was the scene for a similar armed raid. That time, the attackers made off with around $320,000. Reports say that all the criminals have since been captured by German police forces.

Both of these events have called into question the level of security surrounding European casinos and poker tournaments. Though there have been minimal injuries so far in both cases, security must be increased to act as a deterrent to potential criminals otherwise there is a tragedy waiting to happen.

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