Antonius Wins Biggest Ever Online Pot

In the biggest hand in online poker history Patrik Antonius beats Isildur1 out of an $879k pot

In the early hours of this morning online cash titans Patrik Antonius and Isildur1 got involved in the biggest pot in online poker history, worth $879,000. The two were on a $500/$1000 PLO table and sitting over 400BBs deep each.

The action started very tamely, with a raise by Isildur1 and a flat-call by Antonius holding 6h-Ah-Qc-9s. The flop was 5h-7h-Qs. Isildur1 bet out $5k with a check-raise by Antonius making it $21,000, which was called. The Ad came on the turn and this is where the insanity began. Patrik bet out $48k, Isildur1 raised to $192,000 and there was an all-in from the Team Full Tilt pro for $439,480 total. After committing so much to the pot it was a must-call for the unknown Swedish phenom Isildur1 who was holding Qd-Th-Ks-As.

Both held top two pair but Antonius had the slight edge equity-wise with his nut flush draw and gutshot straight draw. Isildur1 had outs to win also however, with a higher gutshot straight draw and any non-heart king giving him a higher two-pair. The river was a brutal 8d though, completing Antonius’ gutshot and shipping him the pot and a place in the record books.

Despite this huge hand Isildur1 is still one of the biggest online winners this year, up approximately $4.5m in the short space of time he has been involved in the nosebleed games. Much of that profit of course has come at the hands of online posterboy Tom ‘durrrr’ Dwan in an epic series of heads-up contests that were well reported on this site last week. When his identity is finally revealed it will be fascinating to see who the real Isildur1 is and if he can continue to take on the best in the world and keep winning at this fantastic rate. With him involved, the online high stakes cash games have simply never been more exciting.

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