Natalia Nikitina Q&A

We catch up with the WPT winner

Annette Obrestad. Annie Duke. Liv Boeree. These are just a few of the names you think of when asked who is the best female player in poker today. Well, add a new starlet to your list.

In February, Natalia Nikitina did what all others have failed to do and won a WPT event in Paris for €243,830. Now poker’s first female WPT winner chats exclusively with PokerPlayer. Let’s see what she has to say…

Natalia, how does it feel to become the first female WPT winner?

It’s a great feeling and I am very proud to accomplish this. There are some great female players playing at these events so it feels fantastic to be the first to take one down.

Were you confident coming into the event that you could make history?

I feel very good about my game and felt it was just a question of time until I won a tournament. I always want to go deep of course and even though the field was tough I knew once I was at the final table I had a good chance.

How important was it to see Sam Trickett leave early on considering the form he’s been in recently?

Sam was a player who had some form at that moment, but I don’t really pay attention to that when I am playing. I was happy to see any player leave!

Describe how you felt in the final hand?

My first feeling was relief that it was over. I had a bad temperature and awful throat ache and it made the latter stages of the final table really tough. I actually felt better when we were three handed and a big hand went my way. I had K-9 vs 5-7. The flop was ok for me, Q-Q-J, but the turn bought a 7. When the 10 hit the river I just knew I would go on to win.

Did you have many people supporting you out in Paris?

My boyfriend Max Kolosov was there cheering me on. He actually played in the High Roller event and is an excellent player so of course he was giving me some tips and advice as well as support. 

How have you celebrated your win?

Immediately afterwards we travelled home and had a party with close friends and family. Once it had sunk in I bought myself a new BMW which my boyfriend helped me pick out and some presents for my family. It’s now important for me to show people it was not a one off result and I am now totally focussed on building on this success.

How have people reacted to you since your win?

It has been an incredible reaction both at home in Russia and I have been surprised by the level of interest all over the world. I have had requests to go on TV and do interviews and its a lot of fun. For the time being I want to concentrate on my poker and hopefully winning more events.

What’s next on the calendar poker-wise?

I am planning on playing at the next WPT in Vienna and possibly some EPT’s. I am also looking forward to playing WSOP for the first time.

For more on Natalia’s win, check out our tournament report.


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