Nosebleed round-up

PokerPlayer brings you all the news from this week’s high-stakes cash-games


Player of the week: URnotINdanger2

We’re not long into 2011 but Scott ‘URnotINdanger2’ Palmer has already recorded a monster profit on the high-stakes tables, pocketing $925,091 since the turn of the year.

The young pro boosted his bankroll thanks to winning sessions against Tom ‘durrrr’ Dwan and Patrik Antonius earlier this week, the later playing a $500/$1,000 PLO session with Palmer in which nine hands broke the $200,000 mark.

But despite his glowing success, Palmer wasn’t the most bankable high-stakes pro this week. That honour went to Gus Hansen, who’ll be keen to put the demons of 2010 behind in over the next 12 months.

The Great Dane finished 2010 $1,673,186 in the red, after peering out from the bottom of a $3.6million deep hole by October, but is already $270,000 up for January after banking $500,000 in 1,325 hands.

Life isn’t as rosy for German limit expert Kagome Kagome, though. Since changing his name from IHateJuice, following accusations of anti-Semitic undertones, Kagome Kagome has undergone a dip in form, taking a beating at the hands of Patrik Antonius and others to find himself $400,000 down on the year.

Hand of the week:

Despite losing out to URnotINdanger2 overall, Patrik Antonius can take solace in winning this week’s PokerPlayer pot of the week.

Antonius was facing off against URnotINdanger2 on Full Tilt’s $500/$1000 no-limit hold’em tables and banked a tasty $210,000 pot after hitting a boat on the river.

Antonius raised to $2,000 preflop with A-9o and flat called URnotINdanger2’s $6,000 reraise. The flop came 9-K-7 rainbow and URnotINdanger2’s raised to $8,000, before the Finn flat called once again. URnotINdanger2 pushed $21,000 into the pot when a second seven hit on the turn and Antonius tanked it before calling. But a nine on the river gave Antonius nines-full, and his $70,000 value bet was called by URnotINdanger2 before the American pro mucked his hand.


1 Gus Hansen  $503,200
2 Patrik Antonius  $442,762
3 refealamit  $333,110
4 V. Wahlbeck  $203,105
5 ilvdnfl  $199,068


1 Kagome Kagome  -$411,437
2 David Benefield  -$371,018
3 Urindanger  -$273,588
4 Sauce123  -$208,590
5 RandomInfluence  -$190,256

*as of Jan 19

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