Top five Tweets of the Day

PokerPlayer’s trawled the net to find you the best poker tweets of the day.

1. Jean-Robert Bellande splashes out on some fancypants sushi grub. Then leaves a tramp empty handed.

“Homeless guy just hit me up outside of Nobu. I replied “gotta get me before going in that place…Damn they got me” lol. 50.6k”

$50.6k?? We feel sorrier for you than we do the tramp.

2. Dan Fleshyman gets caught up in his genius while hitching a lift.

“I think when you travel by yourself you hear noises way more intensely
and your mind gets more creative as too what they could be…”

Spooky. But what could it be, Fleshyman? A creaky train carriage; the gentle patter of rain on a car windscreen; or the creative juices swirling around your brain? Our money’s on the rain.
3. Doyle Brunson cracks the whip when it comes to back chat. He may tell some rubbish jokes about blonde women’s IQ, but woe betide the Tweeter whoever disses the Big Papa of poker:

“@X I’m blocking you pal. I don’t need to listen to that chit! I
must have blocked 200 people that send insults. Have a nice day.”

“@XX Let me be as clear as possible also. i’m blocking your
stupid ass. you are obviouly a big time loser.”

Great to see Brunson calling one tweeter stupid while managing to misspell word “obviously”. Prize for best word has to go to “chit” though. We assume it means “chat” doused in southern swagger… obviously.

4. Annie Duke has a near run-in with the Boys in Blue.

“Holy crap. 12 cop cars, lights and siren blazing, just sped by us on Sunset. Luckily we evaded them.”

Evaded them, Annie? Were you the one hiding from the police? Tsk tsk.

5. Kathy Liebert cooks up a five year marketing plan for Ultimate Bet.

“Now that it’s official maybe ub can sponsor all the guys who got robbed. Pay them back.”

Forget Prahlad Friedman and his sponsorship deal to the site that cheated him out of his hard-earned cash. UB should sponsor us instead. We’re missing a freelancer and we swear he’s been robbed. Give him back UB – or at least send us one of your nice hats.

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