Hellmuth gears up for Dancing with the Stars

Poker Brat to take part in televised ballroom dancing show?

If Hellmuth’s Twitter feed is anything to go by, the Poker Brat is set to join the cast of Dancing With the Stars – America’s version of Strictly Come Dancing – when it airs next March.

Writing on his Twitter last weekend (18 Dec), Hellmuth said: “OMG! Phil Hellmuth (me!) on “Dancing with the Stars!” Outrageous! Might make a fool out of myself on Worldwide Television one more time…”

If the rumours are true, Hellmuth could make a monumental fool of himself, as for those unfamiliar with the show, it features celebrities prancing around on screen in skimpy sequined outfits. Contestants are paired with professional ballroom dancers as they shimmy across the floor performing a host of dance routines, including the foxtrot and the rumba, in a bid for the Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) crown.

And if Phil’s Jitterbug is as good as his gambling he may just find himself rubbing shoulders with past DWTS champions Donny Osmond and Dirty Dancing star Jennifer Grey. 6ft6 portly Phil should be warned, though, the public doesn’t take kindly to contestants carrying a couple extra pounds.

In the last series, which finished in November, Sarah Palin’s recently-pregnant daughter Bristol graced the dance floor, only to receive a barrage of criticism from the media. One comedian branded her “the white Precious” and said she was “the only contestant to gain weight”.

In response to the comments Bristol said winning SWTS “would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me.” Sadly she finished third so she never got to swear. But let’s hope Hellmuth – who seems equally inept at handling criticism – fares better if he does take part in 12th series. Perhaps the thought of all the sequins and lycra will motivate him to shed the pounds and have the last word on Huck Seed’s $100k weight loss bet.

Only time will tell if these promises come good, but one thing is certain though, if the Poker Brat does get his jive on on national television, PokerPlayer will definitely be tuning in…  

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