
Online operator moves to new network and rounds up ex-football stars for new promotion

The 10KingsPoker.com online site has attracted several top personalities for an upcoming promotion, including Liverpool FC legends Jan Mølby and John Aldridge.

The company’s profile developed recently with the announcement that they are the latest addition to St. Minver Ltd’s gaming operator network.

10KingsPoker.com are also launching their exclusive Play a Legend. Be a Legend. campaign. A total of 14 ex-players from English football have confirmed their entry to the LIVE final in Liverpool in October.

With €12,000 Guaranteed in the prize pool (plus extra prizes) and only 30 players in the star-studded starting field, Circus Casino in Liverpool will host the live final on Tuesday 7 October.

10KingsPoker.com will be sending 10 online qualifiers and rake race winner to the exclusive and sensational tournament in Liverpool. Each winner will be awarded a €1200 VIP package and the opportunity of a lifetime to play poker with childhood heroes.

Player involved include: John Aldridge, Jan Mølby, Frank McAvennie, Georgi Kinkladze, Kerry Dixon and John Wark.

The managing director of 10KingsPoker, Allan Aasterud commented: “I feel that the world of online gaming has never been so exciting, there are a lot of options out there for the punter and with this in mind we at 10KingsPoker have been very patient and thorough in planning and designing our product.”

“We believe that this has resulted in a fantastic and exclusive Play a Legend. Be a Legend. campaign that we can now make available to our customers. Football and poker is a great mix!”

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