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Late Night Poker

Late Night Poker

The Final Table is set for PartyPoker’s Late Night Poker, scheduled for broadcast on Channel 4 Part one of the final of PartyPoker Late Night Poker start... Continue Reading
GUKPT result

GUKPT result

23-year-old online pro Ketul Nethwani scoops Leg 3 of the Grosvenor UK Poker Tour and £119,780 The Grosvenor Victoria casino in central London played host to L... Continue Reading
Bodog Open latest

Bodog Open latest

Plenty of online action at the Bodog Open, with top pros turning out to play for big prize pools The inaugural Bodog Poker Open hosted its first event this wee... Continue Reading
PokerStars LAPT

PokerStars LAPT

‘Stars announces schedule for Latin American Poker Tour, taking in Brazil, Costa Rica and Uruguay PokerStarshas announced the launch of Latin America&rsq... Continue Reading
East v West result

East v West result

The West triumphs at the Concord Casino in Vienna, winning the PartyPoker East versus West Team Cup Against the odds Team West have triumphed in the PartyPoker... Continue Reading
WSOP Circuit

WSOP Circuit

The Main Event of the World Series of Poker Circuit stop in Atlantic City is underway For the fourth consecutive year, the World Series of Poker Circuit has re... Continue Reading
EPT result

EPT result

German player Michael Schulze wins the European Poker Tour stop in Warsaw, Poland and €609,782 Michael Schulze has won the EPT Polish Open in Warsaw for a firs... Continue Reading
WSOP Circuit result

WSOP Circuit result

Eric ‘Sheets’ Haber bags World Series of Poker Circuit main event at Atlantic City and $431,136 Eric “Sheets” Haber Conquers the Co... Continue Reading
Laddies S&Gs

Laddies S&Gs

Only three players have won the requisite number of sit and go’s in Ladbrokes Poker’s $20,000 promotion A $20,000 Ladbrokespoker.com Sit an... Continue Reading
GCBPT result

GCBPT result

University student Colin Wu wins the first leg of the 2008 Gala Casinos British Poker Tour in Edinburgh A Dundee University MBA student has beaten professional... Continue Reading