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Poker Player is the world's best poker magazine and website. Follow us on Twitter @PokerPlayer365 for all the latest poker news and strategy.
Short-stack shoves

Short-stack shoves

It’s a perennial dilemma: you need to push soon, but do you do it now or wait a few more hands? FOOLS RUSH IN I was recently playing in a $100 tournament w... Continue Reading
Nice timing

Nice timing

Good timing is one of the important skills for a poker player to have, says Marc Goodwin You must have come across the situation when you are about to raise an... Continue Reading
Floating a bet

Floating a bet

The ‘float’ is a great strategy to employ against tight, solid players   You must have position to utilise the float play, as you cannot float out of posi... Continue Reading
Robot wars

Robot wars

If you want to consistently win at sit&gos, then stop playing poker and start ‘pushbotting’ If you play a lot of online poker you will have come across a ... Continue Reading

Pocket money

Beating cash games at lower limits requires a combination of patience and controlled aggression   ABC players leave themselves wide open for a strong play... Continue Reading
Duel personality

Duel personality

No-limit heads-up requires the mastery of all the classic elements of poker For players craving action and the ultimate test of their skills, heads-up poker ha... Continue Reading
Post-flop connections

Post-flop connections

Playing suited connectors post-flop is an art. If you do it well, you can be very successful Aggressive play is often rewarded in poker, and this is especially... Continue Reading
Pocket power

Pocket power

Small pocket pairs love to see a flop and the chance of making a set   Consider the stack sizes at the table: how many chips you have relative to the othe... Continue Reading
Suited and booted

Suited and booted

Most players realise the true potential of suited connectors on the flop or later streets Suited connectors – hands like 6♦-7♦, J♠-10&... Continue Reading
Six pack

Six pack

You can’t just sit around and wait for good hands if you want to come out ahead in six-max cash games   Phil Shaw Six-max no-limit hold’em has becom... Continue Reading