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Poker Player is the world's best poker magazine and website. Follow us on Twitter @PokerPlayer365 for all the latest poker news and strategy.
Poker clinic

Poker clinic

Fold equity and the perils of middle pair are the issues Willie Tann has to contend with DONK OR NOT? I was playing in a £20 rebuy at my local casino and we ha... Continue Reading
Maths rules

Maths rules

Making good decisions in tournament poker often means calling with the worst of it when the maths tells you to There are 18 players left in a tournament and th... Continue Reading
Sit-and-go tips

Sit-and-go tips

There can be few things in poker as annoying as busting out late in a sit-and-go In the last two installments I’ve talked about the early and mid-game stages o... Continue Reading
Omaha 101

Omaha 101

Making the switch from Hold’em to Omaha? Chris Hall reveals the top 10 mistakes to avoid when getting started It might surprise you to hear this, but the... Continue Reading
Open range

Open range

Putting players on ‘hand ranges’ is the latest buzz term, here’s how it can lead to bigger profits   The texture of the board is very im... Continue Reading
Against the flow

Against the flow

Standard river-betting theory states that you’re either betting for value or as a bluff. But what about flummoxing your opponent?   The key to an unorthod... Continue Reading
Implied odds

Implied odds

The concept of implied odds is one of the mainstays of poker theory, and yet many players misunderstand it While pot odds refer to the amount of money that is ... Continue Reading
Table selection

Table selection

Choosing the right table is the most underrated skill in hold’em Table selection is one of the most important factors in successful poker strategy, yet among m... Continue Reading